Healthy Balance

Code: 45/SMA2 45/SMA9 45/SMA23 45/SMA30 45/SMA37 45/SMA51 45/SMA58 45/SMA65 45/MAL2 45/MAL9 45/MAL16 45/MAL23 45/MAL30 45/SMA3 45/SMA10 45/SMA24 45/SMA31 45/SMA38 45/SMA52 45/SMA59 45/SMA66 45/MAL3 45/MAL10 45/MAL17 45/MAL24 45/MAL31 45/SMA4 45/SMA11 45/SMA25 45/SMA32 45/SMA39 45/SMA53 45/SMA60 45/SMA67 45/MAL4 45/MAL11 45/MAL18 45/MAL25 45/MAL32 45/SMA5 45/SMA12 45/SMA26 45/SMA33 45/SMA40 45/SMA54 45/SMA61 45/SMA68 45/MAL5 45/MAL12 45/MAL19 45/MAL26 45/MAL33 45/SMA6 45/SMA13 45/SMA27 45/SMA34 45/SMA41 45/SMA55 45/SMA62 45/SMA69 45/MAL6 45/MAL13 45/MAL20 45/MAL27 45/MAL34 45/SMA7 45/SMA14 45/SMA28 45/SMA35 45/SMA42 45/SMA56 45/SMA63 45/SMA70 45/MAL7 45/MAL14 45/MAL21 45/MAL28 45/MAL35 45/SMA1 45/SMA8 45/SMA22 45/SMA29 45/SMA36 45/SMA50 45/SMA57 45/SMA64 45/MAL 45/MAL8 45/MAL15 45/MAL22 45/MAL29 45/MED2 45/MED9 45/MED23 45/MED30 45/MED37 45/MED51 45/MED58 45/MED65 45/STR2 45/STR9 45/STR16 45/STR23 45/STR30 45/MED3 45/MED10 45/MED24 45/MED31 45/MED38 45/MED52 45/MED59 45/MED66 45/STR3 45/STR10 45/STR17 45/STR24 45/STR31 45/MED4 45/MED11 45/MED25 45/MED32 45/MED39 45/MED53 45/MED60 45/MED67 45/STR4 45/STR11 45/STR18 45/STR25 45/STR32 45/MED5 45/MED12 45/MED26 45/MED33 45/MED40 45/MED54 45/MED61 45/MED68 45/STR5 45/STR12 45/STR19 45/STR26 45/STR33 45/MED6 45/MED13 45/MED27 45/MED34 45/MED41 45/MED55 45/MED62 45/MED69 45/STR6 45/STR13 45/STR20 45/STR27 45/STR34 45/MED7 45/MED14 45/MED28 45/MED35 45/MED42 45/MED56 45/MED63 45/MED70 45/STR7 45/STR14 45/STR21 45/STR28 45/STR35 45/MED 45/MED8 45/MED22 45/MED29 45/MED36 45/MED50 45/MED57 45/MED64 45/STR 45/STR8 45/STR15 45/STR22 45/STR29 45/LAR2 45/LAR9 45/LAR23 45/LAR30 45/LAR37 45/LAR51 45/LAR58 45/LAR65 45/VEL2 45/VEL9 45/VEL16 45/VEL23 45/VEL30 45/LAR3 45/LAR10 45/LAR24 45/LAR31 45/LAR38 45/LAR52 45/LAR59 45/LAR66 45/VEL3 45/VEL10 45/VEL17 45/VEL24 45/VEL31 45/LAR4 45/LAR11 45/LAR25 45/LAR32 45/LAR39 45/LAR53 45/LAR60 45/LAR67 45/VEL4 45/VEL11 45/VEL18 45/VEL25 45/VEL32 45/LAR5 45/LAR12 45/LAR26 45/LAR33 45/LAR40 45/LAR54 45/LAR61 45/LAR68 45/VEL5 45/VEL12 45/VEL19 45/VEL26 45/VEL33 45/LAR6 45/LAR13 45/LAR27 45/LAR34 45/LAR41 45/LAR55 45/LAR62 45/LAR69 45/VEL6 45/VEL13 45/VEL20 45/VEL27 45/VEL34 45/LAR7 45/LAR14 45/LAR28 45/LAR35 45/LAR42 45/LAR56 45/LAR63 45/LAR70 45/VEL7 45/VEL14 45/VEL21 45/VEL28 45/VEL35 45/LAR 45/LAR8 45/LAR22 45/LAR29 45/LAR36 45/LAR50 45/LAR57 45/LAR64 45/VEL 45/VEL8 45/VEL15 45/VEL22 45/VEL29 45/EXT2 45/EXT9 45/EXT23 45/EXT30 45/EXT37 45/EXT51 45/EXT58 45/EXT65 45/EXT72 45/EXT79 45/EXT86 45/EXT93 45/EXT100 45/EXT3 45/EXT10 45/EXT24 45/EXT31 45/EXT38 45/EXT52 45/EXT59 45/EXT66 45/EXT73 45/EXT80 45/EXT87 45/EXT94 45/EXT101 45/EXT4 45/EXT11 45/EXT25 45/EXT32 45/EXT39 45/EXT53 45/EXT60 45/EXT67 45/EXT74 45/EXT81 45/EXT88 45/EXT95 45/EXT102 45/EXT5 45/EXT12 45/EXT26 45/EXT33 45/EXT40 45/EXT54 45/EXT61 45/EXT68 45/EXT75 45/EXT82 45/EXT89 45/EXT96 45/EXT103 45/EXT6 45/EXT13 45/EXT27 45/EXT34 45/EXT41 45/EXT55 45/EXT62 45/EXT69 45/EXT76 45/EXT83 45/EXT90 45/EXT97 45/EXT104 45/EXT7 45/EXT14 45/EXT28 45/EXT35 45/EXT42 45/EXT56 45/EXT63 45/EXT70 45/EXT77 45/EXT84 45/EXT91 45/EXT98 45/EXT105 45/EXT 45/EXT8 45/EXT22 45/EXT29 45/EXT36 45/EXT50 45/EXT57 45/EXT64 45/EXT71 45/EXT78 45/EXT85 45/EXT92 45/EXT99 Choose variant
4 050 Kč 3 965 Kč 3 160 Kč 3 332 Kč 3 562 Kč 3 102 Kč 3 217 Kč 3 505 Kč 4 004 Kč 4 021 Kč 3 217 Kč 3 102 Kč 3 505 Kč 4 780 Kč 4 678 Kč 3 712 Kč 3 919 Kč 4 195 Kč 3 643 Kč 3 781 Kč 4 126 Kč 4 725 Kč 4 745 Kč 3 781 Kč 3 643 Kč 4 126 Kč 7 600 Kč 7 010 Kč 5 745 Kč 6 205 Kč 6 550 Kč 5 630 Kč 5 860 Kč 6 435 Kč 7 160 Kč 7 226 Kč 5 860 Kč 5 630 Kč 6 435 Kč 8 960 Kč 8 252 Kč 6 734 Kč 7 286 Kč 7 700 Kč 6 596 Kč 6 872 Kč 7 562 Kč 8 432 Kč 8 511 Kč 6 872 Kč 6 596 Kč 7 562 Kč 14 600 Kč 12 985 Kč 10 800 Kč 11 490 Kč 12 410 Kč 10 800 Kč 11 030 Kč 12 180 Kč 13 366 Kč 13 534 Kč 11 030 Kč 10 800 Kč 12 180 Kč 17 200 Kč 15 262 Kč 12 640 Kč 13 468 Kč 14 572 Kč 12 640 Kč 12 916 Kč 14 296 Kč 15 719 Kč 15 921 Kč 12 916 Kč 12 640 Kč 14 296 Kč 990 Kč 990 Kč 990 Kč 990 Kč 990 Kč 990 Kč 990 Kč 990 Kč 990 Kč 990 Kč 990 Kč 990 Kč 990 Kč 4 300 Kč 4 195 Kč 3 332 Kč 3 505 Kč 3 735 Kč 3 275 Kč 3 390 Kč 3 677 Kč 4 216 Kč 4 225 Kč 3 390 Kč 3 275 Kč 3 677 Kč 5 080 Kč 4 954 Kč 3 919 Kč 4 126 Kč 4 402 Kč 3 850 Kč 3 988 Kč 4 333 Kč 4 979 Kč 4 990 Kč 3 988 Kč 3 850 Kč 4 333 Kč 8 100 Kč 7 470 Kč 6 090 Kč 6 550 Kč 6 895 Kč 5 975 Kč 6 205 Kč 6 780 Kč 7 584 Kč 7 634 Kč 6 205 Kč 5 975 Kč 6 780 Kč 9 560 Kč 8 804 Kč 7 148 Kč 7 700 Kč 8 114 Kč 7 010 Kč 7 286 Kč 7 976 Kč 8 941 Kč 9 001 Kč 7 286 Kč 7 010 Kč 7 976 Kč 15 600 Kč 14 020 Kč 11 260 Kč 11 950 Kč 12 870 Kč 11 030 Kč 11 490 Kč 12 870 Kč 14 320 Kč 14 452 Kč 11 490 Kč 11 030 Kč 12 870 Kč 18 400 Kč 16 504 Kč 13 192 Kč 14 020 Kč 15 124 Kč 12 916 Kč 13 468 Kč 15 124 Kč 16 864 Kč 17 022 Kč 13 468 Kč 12 916 Kč 15 124 Kč 1 740 Kč 1 701 Kč 1 356 Kč 1 425 Kč 1 517 Kč 1 333 Kč 1 379 Kč 1 494 Kč 1 708 Kč 1 710 Kč 1 379 Kč 1 333 Kč 1 494 Kč 4 650 Kč 4 453 Kč 3 505 Kč 3 677 Kč 3 907 Kč 3 447 Kč 3 562 Kč 3 850 Kč 4 493 Kč 4 521 Kč 3 562 Kč 3 447 Kč 3 850 Kč 5 500 Kč 5 264 Kč 4 126 Kč 4 333 Kč 4 609 Kč 4 057 Kč 4 195 Kč 4 540 Kč 5 311 Kč 5 346 Kč 4 195 Kč 4 057 Kč 4 540 Kč 8 800 Kč 8 045 Kč 6 435 Kč 6 895 Kč 7 240 Kč 6 320 Kč 6 550 Kč 7 125 Kč 8 183 Kč 8 360 Kč 6 550 Kč 6 320 Kč 7 125 Kč 10 400 Kč 9 494 Kč 7 562 Kč 8 114 Kč 8 528 Kč 7 424 Kč 7 700 Kč 8 390 Kč 9 660 Kč 9 872 Kč 7 700 Kč 7 424 Kč 8 390 Kč 17 000 Kč 14 480 Kč 11 950 Kč 12 640 Kč 13 560 Kč 11 720 Kč 12 180 Kč 13 560 Kč 14 868 Kč 15 250 Kč 12 180 Kč 11 720 Kč 13 560 Kč 20 080 Kč 17 056 Kč 14 020 Kč 14 848 Kč 15 952 Kč 13 744 Kč 14 296 Kč 15 952 Kč 17 522 Kč 17 980 Kč 14 296 Kč 13 744 Kč 15 952 Kč 1 880 Kč 1 804 Kč 1 425 Kč 1 494 Kč 1 586 Kč 1 402 Kč 1 448 Kč 1 563 Kč 1 819 Kč 1 830 Kč 1 448 Kč 1 402 Kč 1 563 Kč 5 150 Kč 4 712 Kč 3 677 Kč 3 850 Kč 4 080 Kč 3 620 Kč 3 735 Kč 4 022 Kč 4 734 Kč 4 810 Kč 3 735 Kč 3 620 Kč 4 022 Kč 6 100 Kč 5 575 Kč 4 333 Kč 4 540 Kč 4 816 Kč 4 264 Kč 4 402 Kč 4 747 Kč 5 600 Kč 5 692 Kč 4 402 Kč 4 264 Kč 4 747 Kč 9 800 Kč 8 562 Kč 6 780 Kč 7 240 Kč 7 585 Kč 6 665 Kč 6 895 Kč 7 470 Kč 8 665 Kč 8 833 Kč 6 895 Kč 6 665 Kč 7 470 Kč 11 600 Kč 10 115 Kč 7 976 Kč 8 528 Kč 8 942 Kč 7 838 Kč 8 114 Kč 8 804 Kč 10 237 Kč 10 439 Kč 8 114 Kč 7 838 Kč 8 804 Kč 19 000 Kč 15 400 Kč 12 640 Kč 13 330 Kč 14 250 Kč 12 410 Kč 12 870 Kč 14 250 Kč 15 724 Kč 16 090 Kč 12 870 Kč 12 410 Kč 14 250 Kč 22 480 Kč 18 160 Kč 14 848 Kč 15 676 Kč 16 780 Kč 14 572 Kč 15 124 Kč 16 780 Kč 18 549 Kč 18 988 Kč 15 124 Kč 14 572 Kč 16 780 Kč 2 080 Kč 1 908 Kč 1 494 Kč 1 563 Kč 1 655 Kč 1 471 Kč 1 517 Kč 1 632 Kč 1 915 Kč 1 945 Kč 1 517 Kč 1 471 Kč 1 632 Kč from 990 Kč
Portion size
Length of the program
Number of meals
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Healthy Balance is a balanced program that is sugar-free and gluten-free. This program is designed to provide all the necessary nutrients for a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Any allergies or exclusion of ingredients from the program must be consulted with customer service prior to ordering. Unless you have approved special requests, we will disregard them.

Detailed information

we pay attention to sustainability
Od základu
Preparing everything
from scratch
Rozvoz po Praze
all over Prague and the surrounding area
8 pick-up points
around Prague

Product detailed description

Meals in the Healthy Balance program are prepared with fresh, quality ingredients to give you plenty of energy and strength throughout the day. The program is suitable for people who are trying to improve their eating habits, lose weight or simply feel better. The Healthy Balance boxed diet is designed to help you achieve your goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Eating right is important to our overall health and well-being. Eating a regular and balanced diet provides us with the necessary nutrients, energy and strength we need for our bodies and minds to function. A good diet also helps maintain weight and reduces the risk of many chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. It is important to try to eat a varied and balanced diet that contains all the nutrients we need to feel healthy and energetic.

Please note: The 2-day program can only be ordered to try MyChef Kitchen for the first time. For future orders of the 2 day program, the order will be cancelled.

How to choose the portion size?

Small Portions: the slimming program is suitable for weight reduction and to start a change in your diet. Recommended mostly for women who don't have much physical activity./ Low calorie eating plan to achieve the best results in the shortest time.

Medium Portions: A balanced eating plan that focuses on weight loss and on maintaining the physical condition already achieved.

Large Portions: A diet plan for successful training that ensures the right amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats.

Extra Large Portion: Power program is especially designed for those who want to gain muscle mass, or have excessive energy expenditure and want to cover it with a great tasting and balanced meal. For professional athletes whose main goal is to grow muscle mass.


Meat from grass-fed game, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds, fruit and vegetables, coconut oil, olive oil and avocado oil (without vegetable oils such as rapeseed oil)

Sugar, gluten, GM

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